Monday, November 19, 2012

The Hobbit movie!!! :)


Release Date: December 14, 2012

Are you guys as excited as I am for The Hobbit movie? Well, Part 1 anyway. What do you thinks about The Hobbit being 3 movies instead of just 1? I'm a little wary about them drawing it out for 3 movies. I mean, I would rather watch a 3 hour long movie that's FANTASTIC than watch a short movie that's just being drug out. But I'm still excited to see it! :-) And now onto the cast. Most of the names (okay all of the names) I don't know who they are except for Hugo Weaving and Elijah Wood but it'll be super nice to get some fresh faces up on the screen don't you think? :-)

The Cast:

Azog - Conan Stevens
Alfrid - Ryan Gage
Bard - Luke Evans
Balin - Ken Stott
Beorn - Mikael Persbrandt
Bifur - William Kircher
Bilbo Baggins - Martin Freeman
Bofur - James Nesbitt
Bombur - Steven Hunter
Dain Ironfoot - Billy Connolly
Dori - Mark Hadlow
Drogo Baggins - Ryan Cage
Dwalin - Graham McTavish
Elrond - Hugo Weaving
Fili - Dean O’Gorman
Frodo Baggins - Elijah Wood
Galadriel - Cate Blanchett
Gandalf - Sir Ian McKellen
Gloin - Peter Hambleton
Goblin King - Barry Humphries
Gollum - Andy Serkis
Kili - Aidan Turner
Legolas - Orlando Bloom
Lindir - Bret McKenzie
Lord Balin - Ken Stott
Master of Laketown - Stephen Fry
Necromancer - Benedict Cumberbatch
Nori - Jed Brophy
Oin - John Callen
Ori - Adam Brown
Radagast -Sylvester McCoy
Saruman - Sir Cristopher Lee
Smaug - Benedict Cumberbatch
Tauriel - Evangeline Lilly
Thorin - Richard Armitage
Thrain - Mike Mizrahi (TBC)
Thranduil - Lee Pace
Thror - Jeffrey Thomas (TBC)

I'm super PUMPED for this movie to come out! 

Also, you need to check out this website for more info:

And watch the movie trailer:

I took the name generator on that website above and I was:
Your Hobbit Name is Primula GrubbGrubb, hobbits of the Shire. The name is related to the verb 'grub', meaning to dig or root around. 

You share your Christian name Primula, with a Primula (Brandybuck) Baggins: (2920–2980) was a daughter of Gorbadoc Brandybuck, Master of Buckland, and Mirabella Took, the youngest daughter of the Old Took. She married Drogo Baggins, and had one child, Frodo. In 2980, both she and Drogo drowned in the Baranduin, leaving Frodo orphaned.

I'm not sure whether I should be happy I was named after the mother of the saviour of MiddleEarth, or if I should disappointed that they say I was named after someone who drowned.

Have a good one! :)


  1. I absolutely can't wait! I've already watched all 3 Lord of the Rings movies twice this year, once in the extended edition!

    1. Extended edition?!? I want to see it! :) I <3 the LOTR series, too. :)

  2. Wow, apparently I'm the ancestor of Smeagol, the evil schizophrenic dude.

    Your Hobbit Name is Dora River Folk. River Folk, family of Stoors living on the banks of the Anduin, with a matriarch (Gollum's grandmother). Smeagol and Deagol belonged to this family.

    You share your Christian name Dora, with a Dora (Baggins): Sister of Drogo, noted for dispensing advice in her letters.

    1. Lol! Sorry it's not funny. :) At least your related to a famous character in the book! :)

  3. Aw, Aragorn's not in here. :( But maybe he's in the second or third one. :) I can always hope.

    1. I shall hope with you! :) That. is. Tragic. If Frodo Baggins is in it then so should Aragorn.

    2. Because everyone know that Aragorn is so much better than Frodo. :)

    3. Yep. Definitely. Sorry I took so long to reply, I just now discovered the Blog Archive button. :D

  4. Well, soon enough, we'll know whether the first movie (and probably the trilogy of movies) is any good.


Thank you so much for you comment! :D

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