Monday, May 06, 2013

Storm by Evan Angler: Review and Giveaway

*this is a review of an ARC copy. all book information is subject to change*

Movie Rating: G all ages admitted
Book Rating: @@@@@
Swearing: None
Inappropriate Scenes: None
# of Pages: 266 (paperback, ARC)
Genre: YA Dystopian
Publisher: Tommy Nelson

Back Blurb:


     In the future, the world is united under the power of a charismatic leader, and everyone gets “the Mark” at age thirteen. The Mark lets citizens shop, go to school, and even get medical care—without it, you’re on your own. Few refuse to get the Mark. But those who did refuse are fighting back. Logan Langly is the unlikely leader of the Markless revolution. He started out to find his sister Lily, who disappeared during her Marking pledge, but now he’s fighting for much more. With the threat of a chemically-manufactured plague that will potentially kill millions and a drought that is nearing critical mass, someone has to step in.
     But when Lily appears with a special mission for Logan, it’s difficult to know if he can trust her. And with the weather becoming more and more unstable, a storm is coming that will put everything Logan and the Markless have for at risk…

My Review:

            And finally, the time you’ve all been waiting for….(haha, just kidding. I know very few of you probably read my review all the way through) Okay, so, the third installment in the Swipe series. If you read my reviews for the first 2 books you’d see that the Swipe series is one of my favorites. While Swipe and Sneak were both AWESOME books they didn’t compare to Storm. If Even Angler keeps writing books this awesome he’s going to be the next Tim Lahaye or Jerry Jenkins!
            Storm is full of so many twists in the plot that may leave your head spinning so badly you’ll have to take something for vertigo (okay, maybe not that bad, but you get the point). Maybe it’s just me, but every time I read more of Logan’s story I fall more in love with this series. I hated that Mr. Angler tried to kill of a very important character, I mean who does he think he is? The author? Leave the important and favorite characters in there! :) I was so scared to finish the book in case an important character died.
            I love how Mr. Angler incorporated his own book into Storm. I’ve never seen an author do that before and it way blew me away. And also, how he continued to incorporate the Tribulation into Storm. And how Mr. Angler explained the Rapture was AMAZING!
            Mr. Angler you are an amazing and talented author! Please keep more of the series coming! :D

Recommend to lovers of: The Left Behind series

Giveaway time! (please only US residents)


  1. Yes, I loved how our band of "Remnant Dust Members" brought about the tribulation/revolution!

  2. Great review! I liked this book a lot too. It was interesting how they found a copy of Swipe and then we met the author. I'm curious if the author is a main character in disguise or if it's just a fun thing. If it's the latter, it seems odd. I hope it's something more.

  3. Good review -- like how the author adds to the paranoia in his author's note, the website, even the back cover blurb (and of course, the copy of Swipe showing up).

  4. This was totally a great book!

  5. Great review. Liked the part where you wondere who he was to kill off a character. Incorperating his book was cool. If you ever want to read other authors who do this, I know another one. Good job.


Thank you so much for you comment! :D

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