Monday, May 13, 2013

Guest Post by Lisa Orchard (Author)

Hi, guys! Talking (or posting or whatever you want to call it. lol) on The Maniacal Bookworm today is author Lisa Orchard. (I'm currently reading her first book and it is very good! Review to come) So please welcome....Lisa Orchard, talking about what inspired her to become an author.

Hello Everyone! I hope all is well with you. I’m Lisa Orchard the Young Adult Author of the Super Spies series and I’m a guest today of Brenna’s. Thanks Brenna for having me here today.
Brenna wanted me to share my inspiration for writing with you, so I thought I would start at the beginning. I knew in fifth grade that I wanted to be an author. However, I didn’t get the chance to pursue that dream until I decided to stay home with my kids. That’s when I picked up my pen and started writing again.
There was no doubt that I was going to write for the Young Adult Market. I love this age group! When I started writing “The Super Spies and the Cat Lady Killer”, I looked back on my own life and realized my teen years were some of my happiest times. It’s that time in your life when everything is possible and I remember how excited I was to explore all the possibilities I could imagine. I wanted to bring that same feeling of joy and anticipation to my readers.
Now that I’m working on my fourth book, I realize what keeps me writing.  It’s my kids. I have two beautiful boys and they are my inspiration for everything. I feel very strongly that they need to see what it takes to meet a goal. They need to see how to overcome obstacles and disappointments. It’s important for them, so that when they’re pursuing a goal and come to a particular obstacle they’ll know how to handle it.
I also feel that pursuing our dreams is the real key to happiness and I want my kids to have the happiest life they can. So if they see me chasing my dreams, I’m hoping that will give them the courage to chase theirs.
I’m encouraging them throughout their childhood to find things that they like to do; just like my mother did when she bought me my first Nancy Drew Mystery. Who knew it would spark my passion for writing? I’m hoping my kids find their passion and strive to bring their dreams to fruition.
We talk about my books quite a bit. My boys are always giving me suggestions for titles and plot lines. They each have a paperback copy of  “The Super Spies and the Cat Lady Killer” by their beds. They are so proud and it’s really cute to see.
My oldest told his teacher he wants to be a published author like his mom. I’m glad he’s thinking about what he wants to be when he grows up. It’s never too soon.  
I’m hoping that I can build on my Super Spies series so that I can leave behind a legacy for them.  Now wouldn’t that be something?
Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. I’d love it if you shared your thoughts with me! Leave a comment and if you get a chance check out my books! They’re great tween/teen reads!
Thank you Ms. Orchard! That was an excellent post. :) Now here's some links to check out:

Find Ms. Orchard at these sites:


  1. Thanks Brenna for allowing me to guest here to day! I appreciate it and I had fun writing this post! :)

    1. You welcome! I had fun setting it up! :) Thank you for being a part of my blog!

  2. Congrats for chasing your dreams, Lisa! I see big things for you and your books! Best wishes!

  3. Thanks for stopping by Sharon! I appreciate your support and your positive comments! I see big things in your future too!


Thank you so much for you comment! :D

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